Established the role of student’s counsellor at Smiling’s High School

Smiling International School recognises the importance of supporting our students as they decide on the next stage of their education. Whether they are approaching Maturita and finishing High school or whether they have just started here at Smiling, we think it is crucial to provide our students with assistance and advice as they consider the pathway in life they wish to take.

We are therefore introducing the role of Student Counsellor.

The primary role of the Student Counsellor is to help students explore and consider their future study options and to investigate and navigate the necessary admission requirements for University and Higher Education here in Italy or Internationally. Students will be able to receive personal support through one to one meetings or group sessions. The Student Counsellor for our Liceo will be Ian Browne, our Business Management teacher.

Ian is available to students for individual consultation twice a week, Tuesday and Thursday, and students are advised to contact him in advance on email in order to book a consultation time. Individual meetings will be held in the 13 Grade Room at the Liceo.

Smiling International will also be inviting selected Universities and Professors into school to provide an overview, to inform and offer advice to our students about available course programmes and the University admission process.Our first Higher Education forum will be held on Friday, 5th November with Bocconi University’s representatives. Bocconi is a private university in Milan which provides  undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate education in the fields of Economics, Finance, Law, Management, Political Science and Public Administration.

10th, 11th, 12th and 13th will be invited to this forum and further details about attendance times will be provided on the Google Virtual Classes. Parents will be invited to attend a separate online session later in the morning.