The project, “A noisy silence. Filippo De Pisis and our children – Il silenzio che fa rumore. Filippo De Pisis and our children”, carried out by Smiling International School and Mami Education, in collaboration with the cultural association “Senza Titolo”, aimed at qualifying pre-schools, won a provincial competition. One of its main objectives is to enhance the relationship and educational alliance with families, the local area and collaboration with other educational services.

Our project, of which Smiling School is the leader, focuses on the theme of art and has among its many objectives not only that of defending children’s right to art and culture, but also that of enhancing the beauty of cultural heritage, especially at this time of pandemic in which Covid-19 has forced culture and museums into quarantine.

The children visited the Castello Estense which is hosting the De Pisis exhibition and, in collaboration with the cultural association “Senza Titolo”, will embark on a entertaining journey to get to know the painter Filippo De Pisis, born in Ferrara. They will discover other of his paintings, be able to reinterpret them, and even create works of art themselves, which will be collected in a final exhibition with a workshop open to the families of our young artists and a Virtual Tour for all those who do not have the opportunity to visit the exhibition in person.

Palazzo Gulinelli, Ercole I d’Este 15 – Exhibition “A noisy silence. Filippo De Pisis and our children”. 27,30 and 31 May 2022 from 9am to 1pm open to local schools with free participation and booking by phoning 0532 757197 or writing to admin@smilingservice.it.

To read the full article click here. 

For further information on the provincial announcement click here.