98% success rate for cambridge assessment examinations

” Dear friends,

As this academic year draws to a close, we would like to express our gratitude for the cooperation, support and professionalism you have shown us.

Your spirit of adaptation to new situations, together with the great cooperation you have personally put in place, have been of vital importance to us and have contributed to the successful completion of the Cambridge Assessment English 2020-21 examination sessions.

Today we are happy to celebrate the conclusion of a complex but successful year. This success is evidenced by the pass rates of your students during the year just ended.

It is therefore with pleasure that we are pleased to share in attachment your certificate of excellence from our Examination Centre.

The management and staff of Inlingua Ferrara

We received this email last August 2021 from Inlingua Ferrara to congratulate and reward our students.

We are pleased to share with you such a great success achieved by all our Smiling students.

What a satisfaction to end last school year  with this great news. Thanks to all our students, this recognition is yours.

We are sure this year you will do even better!!


Established the role of student’s counsellor at Smiling’s High School

Smiling International School recognises the importance of supporting our students as they decide on the next stage of their education. Whether they are approaching Maturita and finishing High school or whether they have just started here at Smiling, we think it is crucial to provide our students with assistance and advice as they consider the pathway in life they wish to take.

We are therefore introducing the role of Student Counsellor.

The primary role of the Student Counsellor is to help students explore and consider their future study options and to investigate and navigate the necessary admission requirements for University and Higher Education here in Italy or Internationally. Students will be able to receive personal support through one to one meetings or group sessions. The Student Counsellor for our Liceo will be Ian Browne, our Business Management teacher.

Ian is available to students for individual consultation twice a week, Tuesday and Thursday, and students are advised to contact him in advance on email teacher.ian@smilingservice.it in order to book a consultation time. Individual meetings will be held in the 13 Grade Room at the Liceo.

Smiling International will also be inviting selected Universities and Professors into school to provide an overview, to inform and offer advice to our students about available course programmes and the University admission process.Our first Higher Education forum will be held on Friday, 5th November with Bocconi University’s representatives. Bocconi is a private university in Milan which provides  undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate education in the fields of Economics, Finance, Law, Management, Political Science and Public Administration.

10th, 11th, 12th and 13th will be invited to this forum and further details about attendance times will be provided on the Google Virtual Classes. Parents will be invited to attend a separate online session later in the morning.

Smiling Summer Camp 2021

Smiling Summer Camp is back!!

Smiling Summer Camp offers a unique educational and fun experience: outdoor games, treasure hunts, language workshops, science experiments, music, art, Chinese, dance, prizes and, every Friday, Smiling’s Got Talent, the talent show all our campers look forward to!

At both camp sites, children play in the beautiful gardens, surrounded by a stimulating, familiar and safe multicultural environment, where they feel free to express themselves and explore around.

And last but not least: our menu, cooked in our in-house kitchens, offers fresh, balanced and tasty dishes.

Below you may find the information brochure with prices and weeks along with the enrolment form!

Registration opens on Wednesday 5th  May!


Smiling International School is an accredited school for the municipal contribution, provided to partially cover the cost of summer camps, with reference to the Regional Project “Conciliazione Vita-Lavoro”. 


What are you waiting for?

Sign in!


Traffic in Corso Ercole I d’Este: our Principal’s reply

Below is the letter written by our headmistress Caterina Azzini, published today, Tuesday 9 February 2021, in the newspaper La Nuova Ferrara.

This letter is in response to the article below, published by La Nuova Ferrara on 4 February 2021 .


Update: Award ceremony of national competition, ‘Che Storia!’

Our budding Secondary School writers are receiving a prestigious award for ranking in the national competition, ‘Che Storia!’

The ceremony will take place on Monday 12th October at the Auditorium of the Central National Library in Rome. The event will honour the best features written by High School students and edited by teachers.

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic and a recent resurgence in cases, our school will not be there to receive our awards. It was a hard decision to make, but a necessary one to ensure the safety of our staff and students.

We deliberated this decision until the last minute, so that we may make a timely judgement. Although we regret not being there in person, we believe this is the best course of action. This choice in no way diminishes the pride we feel for our talented students.

We would like to congratulate our star student authors, once again:  Matilde Baldassari, Andrea Ottone Berselli, Giulia Cavicchi and Fiorile Giacomoni.

Click on the link below to read their award-winning story, ‘Voci da Palazzo Gulinelli’:


LEARNING THE ROPES: Preparing for Middle School

As one school year ends and we prepare for a fresh start, we may feel excited, nervous and perhaps a little unsure.
Moving from Primary to Secondary School, in particular, is one of the biggest steps you take in your school journey.
We take special care in guiding you along this path. For our 5th graders moving up to Secondary School, our teacher Paola Cirelli, has been giving students a crash course in “LEARNING THE ROPES”.
In this project, our soon-to-be Middle Schoolers have been developing study methods; a vital skill for their next steps at Smiling.
They looked at how to conduct research, how to create maps from text and also how you learn from videos, to name just a few.
The children shared ideas and resources, which culminated in this fantastic website! It’s a great resource to refresh what you’ve learned so far, or, if you missed the crash course, you can check it now!
Click and play around; discover the lessons and valuable resources on there. You’ll stride into Middle School with confidence and determination!

Smiling: A Year In Review 2019-2020

The end of the school year is always momentous.
It marks a threshold: growing, changing and reflecting on how far we’ve come. For our high school students, it means an emotional farewell to school life and the start of setting foot into the wider world.
This historic year is loaded with extra feeling. We continued valiantly and achieved so much, despite the challenges we faced.
The saying goes: “You don’t realise how strong you are until you have to be.” We are so proud of that strength you’ve found this year.
Take a look at our 2019-2020 Year In Review video. Don’t be shy: watch, like and share our Smiling successes!
Happy Summer, everyone!


Smiling teacher pens scientific breakthrough paper

A science teacher from Smiling International School has co-authored a seminal scientific study on fighting viruses.

Laura Lunghi worked with leading scientists from around the globe to research cell membranes. In the published paper, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, they investigated how cell membranes can be compromised. This is a factor that leads to contracting viruses such as COVID-19.

In this cutting-edge research, our science teacher and her colleagues conducted experiments, including in the laboratories at the University of Ferrara.

The objective was to discover more about cellular communication. A cell membrane acts as a natural shield, providing a barrier to the cell inside. Consequently, it can prevent toxic substances from entering, like the viruses SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2; the one that causes COVID-19.

Ms Lunghi and the team of scientists discovered how these pathogens can trick the cell, subsequently penetrating it and causing us to fall ill from a virus.

This latest research delves into how and why this happens. What follows next is more scientific study, to better understand how to treat and prevent viruses, like COVID-19. Therefore, this work could change how we approach combatting viruses in the future, thereby saving lives.

Smiling International School is delighted with Ms. Lunghi’s involvement in this innovative work. She represents the outstanding knowledge and experience our teachers bring to our students.

The findings are now available to read in the open domain, which you can see below.


Roll up! Roll up! You can still take part in Smiling Summer Camp 2020, but hurry, there are only a few places left!

Every week we offer a veritable feast of fun and festivities. Come take part in our Treasure Hunt, Talent Show, water games and much more!

You still have 2 weeks: from 6th – 10th July and 13th – 17th July.

– For children aged 3-11 years old.
– Runs Monday – Friday, 8.30 -16.30.
– €130 for the first week
– €120 for the second week
– Safety procedures in place
– 2 campuses: Corso Porta Mare 117 and Via Roversella 2

☎️ Give us a call on 0532-757197 for more information.

VIDEO DIARIES: Life in a Pandemic

Are we back to normal now? What does that even look like after a pandemic?

It’s undeniably true that we may soon forget how oppressive full lockdown was here in Italy.

When we were in the middle of being trapped inside all the time, this is how students of Smiling processed the experience.

Take a look at the video diaries of some of our 11th Grade students. Thanks to our Business Studies teacher, Ian Browne, for proposing the project.







