The Sun is Smiling on Madagascar School Project


Finalmente, dopo quasi quattro mesi, il carico è arrivato a destinazione.

Già a gennaio, la nave aveva attraccato al porto di Tamatave, sulla costa orientale dell’isola, ma a causa del brutto tempo, hanno dovuto attendere tre settimane per caricare il camion e partire in direzione Nosy-Be (Nord/Est).

“Grande soddisfazione, mai avremmo pensato di partecipare ad un aiuto a 8.000 chilometri da casa.”- scrive su Facebook Alessandro Magnani, il nostro referente per il progetto – “Ora si pensa a programmare la posa dei pannelli e di tutto l’impianto”.

I Ragazzi più grandi del Liceo Sacro Cuore hanno aiutato a scaricare i materiali, di seguito foto e video.


High School students unload supplies to begin construction

The wait is over for the children attending Schools of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart, as vital materials to build solar panels have arrived.

Based in Lecce on the island of Nosy-Be in Madagascar, the African school educates around 1500 pupils. Due to its growing student population, remote location and scarcity of quality supplies, they were increasingly facing an energy crisis.

Thanks to Smiling International School and the generosity of parents, however, a plan was hatched. Through the donation of supplies to build power sources, the school could look forward to a brighter tomorrow.

At last, after four months of delays and bad weather, the cargo has finally arrived at its destination, bringing hope of a new future.

“This is such a great sense of satisfaction. I would never have thought I could take part in a cause 8,000 km from home,” wrote Alessandro Magnani, our contact on the project.

“Now it’s time to install the panels and the whole electrical system,” he said.

On a sun-drenched island, this machinery will provide sustainable and renewable energy. As energy prices rise and the reliance on diesel generators becomes too costly to bear, these panels and batteries will transform the way the school uses electricity.

Now, the eldest pupils of the High School are mucking in to unload the materials and to join the construction effort.

That certainly deserves some freshly baked bread from the newly-powered kitchen.
